Marketing Consultation

Marketing consultation may be the key to removing the stumbling block that is holding your company back from success. It can make the difference between failure and success of companies. Successful businesses understand the need for hiring experts in their field. Wizz Marketing has a team of specialists that have consistently demonstrated expertise and competency in not only getting the job done but getting it done well.

Our statistics, conversions and results out perform those of in-house departments time after time. Leveraging “best practices” of current marketing trends across a broad range of industries provides a resource of tactics that will give you the competitive edge.

Purpose or Personality

Most companies do well with promoting “Product” but miss out on developing “Purpose” or “Personality” within their marketing message. We sometimes shock our clients by telling them that promoting Product is best done by the factory, manufacturer or institution not by their business. People don’t buy product, they buy what it will do for them. That is what we refer to as its “Purpose”. A clear marketing message needs to translate the features of the product into benefits for the consumer. If a customers feels that you understand their needs better than your competition, you will get the sale. The key is to be very specific, targeting your message directly at the profile of your best client demographic. “Personality” is what differentiates you from the competition. Most marketing messages are so vague they miss the mark in conveying personality. People like dealing with people who are like themselves. This point of connection needs to be leveraged to obtain its full impact. It has to do with language, style, images, color, graphics, associated companies, relationships, charities, community involvement and even backgrounds of your employees.


Personality is the tipping point that beats out the competition.

Whether you are an enterprise that has a ton of potential but you feel is not getting the traction you deserve, we can help. Whether you are looking at print media, trade shows and presentations or digital communications we have the answers. Listening and developing strategies to your specific needs is critical to our success. Call today for your free two hour introductory consultation, your next business breakthrough may be only a meeting away.